We all know that social media can be an extremely cost effective method of marketing. However, in order for it to be effective, its critical to find those that truly have influence over the issues that you are promoting. That's where social network diagrams like the one below play a critical role. Being able to quickly visualize your network and then identify those that have the most influence will enable you to reach out to them with targeted messages that they are likely to respond to. Static images are not sufficient for this analysis, its critical to be able to interact with the data and try different visuals. This image shows the last 50 tweets for hashtag#Election2020. Notice the two dots highlighted in red, these are the key influencers with significant reach.
Do you know who your influencers are?
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AuthorSid Ghatak is the Chief Data Officer at Increase Alpha and lives at the intersection of the customer, business, and technology. Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter to get insights on your world. ArchivesCategories |